Ecocapsule for a Healthy Living

People are attached to their home. Slovak engineers disagree with this situation and create a fully independent home, which follows its owner. We invite you to evaluate the genius design ideas and learn how housing can look like in the very near future.

Ecocapsule is an autonomous mobile accommodation for two, which outshines the usual home.

Recent decades have strongly influenced the ways and principles of constructing houses. For example, the new 3D-printing technology has greatly accelerated house construction, and the “green” theme of environmentally friendly and energetically non-volatile property has become dominant in the minds of people. An important role was played by scientific progress that has provided the designers and builders with unique opportunities. The boldest ideas have begun to implement cutting-edge solutions that have seemed insane until recently.

This is how Ecocapsule was born. This is a unique project of a compact mobile home developed by the Slovakian Nice Architects architectural studios. We invite you to explore the extraordinary creation of these talented guys.


The dimensions of the ovoid Ecocapsule are 2.55 × 4.45 × 2.25 m (H×L×W). Of course, the mini-house is designed for one or two people. However, its modest area should not scare potential owners because the house is provided with the whole minimum level of comfort: a small kitchen with running water, a restroom, hot shower, working space and two heated beds. Here, like in other small transformable apartments, there is enough space for household items, sports or scientific equipment.


Do you want to have a closer look at the Ecocapsule? Nice Architects designers have come up with a three-dimensional computer model of the house, which makes it easy to evaluate the exterior and interior.

However, these are only trifles compared to the Ecocapsule’s main highlight – maximum autonomy. The house provides itself with electricity and water, at the same time being easy to transport.

Ecocapsule is a low-energy house, packed in a compact form.

Electricity is generated with a 750W wind turbine and high-efficiency solar panel with an area of ​​2.6 m2. According to the developers, this should be enough to dwell there at almost any time of the year in most of the places of our planet. Dual power system and high capacity battery ensures that you will have enough electricity during low solar activity or weak wind.



The spherical shape is optimized to collect rainwater and dew, and built-in water filters allow using any water source.

Ecocapsule fits into a standard shipping container, and there are no obstacles for transporting it around the world. The house can be shipped by sea, transported by air or towed by vehicle or pack animal. By the way, the Ecocapsule energy supply can be used to recharge electric vehicles.



The development of the project had been carried out for six years, and at the end of 2014 Ecocapsule gained its final shape. A completely finished pre-sale house is expected in the fourth quarter of 2015. Then, its price will be announced. Now we can safely assume that it will be tens of thousands of dollars. And yet, based on the weight of 1,500 kg, it is easy to estimate that transporting the capsule from Europe to the United States, for example, will be about 2,500 dollars.

Do you think these investments are worth the advanced technology and freedom allowed by Ecocapsule? What do you like about the project and what are you confused by?


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