Adidas miCoach Smart Run

Unlike most other “smart watches”, for example, Pebble or Samsung Galaxy Gear, Adidas miCoach Smart Run watch functions as a standalone device that does not require connection with a smartphone.

Adidas company has introduced the “smart watch” miCoach Smart Run with a heartbeat sensor that will help fitness enthusiasts to workout according to individual programs.

Unlike most other “smart watches”, such as Pebble or Samsung Galaxy Gear, Adidas miCoach Smart Run watch operates as a standalone device that does not require being connected to a smartphone. The watch has Android 4.1 operating system, specifically adapted for the 1.45-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 184-184 pixels.


According to the company, the watch is mainly designed for fitness and has GPS and heart sensors, in addition to the traditional accelerometer sensor. Therefore, they can collect information about the pulse, the number of steps, covered distance, and the speed. All the information is sent via Wi-Fi connection to the online service that develops a training program for the user. During the training, the watch monitors the state of the body and gives advice on managing the load.

Adidas miCoach Smart Run can be used as a music player and is able to transfer music to your headset via Bluetooth. Paul Gaudio, head of Adidas Interactive, has also confirmed in an interview with the SlashGear Internet resource that the company can make API devices available for other manufacturers in 2014. This will allow third-party developers to create programs for the Adidas gadget.


According to the manufacturer, the battery has the capacity of 410 mAh and provides up to 14 days of functioning in the basic mode. Also, there are three different modes of fitness programs that are distinguished by the frequency of collecting data from the sensors of the gadget. In the most active mode, Adidas miCoach Smart Run is able to maintain functioning for only four hours.

In the U.S., the gadget will be available on the official website of Adidas in November.


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