Thermacell Rids You of Mosquitoes & Other Insects?

Most recently, a group of inventors has introduced an innovative tool for mosquito control. The tests showed that the new product is a real threat for all insects.

Quite often it happens so that a military technology is unexpectedly transferred to the civilian sector of economic activity. There are many examples of such. Most of these inventions have a dual purpose. Sometimes, however, a military technology that couldn’t be applied in its sphere is transferred to the civil sector. One of these is the recently developed Thermacell.


We do not know the alleged purpose of Thermacell in the military sphere, but now the technology can be easily used in household, to fight pesky insects. This is especially important for those who like to travel or spend hot days in a country house.

Thermacell tests in the wild have shown that the devices based on this technology have 96 percent efficiency. The principle of its operation is quite simple – the device spreads unpleasant odor repelling the insects from the source. It is effective with all insects, ranging from tropical mosquitoes and ending with common mosquitoes in temperate latitudes.


A human can also smell Thermacell, but for us it is not annoying or intrusive. Moreover, the product is more comfortable than using strips, sprays, ointments and similar things. And its effectiveness surpasses all the existing products.

The only drawback is the fact that Thermacell needs to burn. To use the device, you will need fire. The basic configuration of the gadget presupposes using small gas cylinders that are usually used for mobile and hiking gas-jets. The fully assembled device (together with the cylinder) weighs 114 grams. It can work for 80 hours. There is also an alternative, reinforced Thermacell substance absorption mode, which works up to 12 hours. The substance is stored in small plates.