The Most Realistic Talking Robot Goddess Jia Jia

Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China have presented their humanoid robot Jia Jia, which looks like a young Chinese girl.


The developers had been working on this creation for three years and tried to create the most realistic robot. Jia Jia is able to take part in a conversation with people, to change its countenance while talking and even joke.

Interestingly enough, the robot’s eyeballs move, and the eye pupil size changes depending on the light. Jia Jia’s speech completely coincides with its lip movements, although they are hardly noticeable – the mechanical lady is very modest, unlike her rival “Scarlett Johansson” from Hong Kong.


The developers have taught the robot to recognize not only people, but also photo cameras. The mechanical girl can comment and ask not to make photographs too close, fearing that her face may look plump in the picture. The researchers intend to improve Jia Jia by teaching it to move its hands, cry and laugh in a natural way. At present, the development is only a research project in robotics, and its full-scale production is not expected.