Honda Power Bank for Cars & Homes

Portable energy banks are something that can soon appear in every home, like a smartphone or a laptop. Most recently, Honda introduced its own version of such a bank, which is suitable for charging not only smartphones or home appliances, but even electric vehicles.

Today, when mobile devices powered by a battery can be found literally anywhere, and even cars are going to entirely shift to electric motors in the foreseeable future, the question of the emergence of mobile power sources that can help in an unpleasant situation when the battery is discharged becomes very topical. The next step in the development of such products was made by Honda, which released its new, super capacious Lib-AID E500.

The new energy bank looks like a portable box with a lot of connectors. It is not very large and has a convenient handle for easy transportation. Lib-AID E500 is available in three colors: white, red, and black. The dimensions of the battery are 266x182x248 mm. The bank weighs 5.3 kg. The battery capacity is enough for four full charges of the laptop! At the same time, you can safely connect several devices to different connectors. Lib-AID E500 will be available for purchase this month.

A little later, a “heavier” version of the energy bank will be available, which will have a few times more capacious battery and will be able to fully charge an electric vehicle, for example, Honda Clarity FCV. Such an energy bank will be almost three times larger and heavier. Carrying it in the hands will be problematic, so it will be transported as a tourist suitcase and will have a sliding handle. The second model will be able to provide with electric power not only small pocket gadgets but also large household priors and tools. Such a bank would definitely be useful at a cottage house or even in the trunk of a car.

To develop the topic, there is also the first watch, powered by solar energy and not needing any other source of power, and still able to independently move the hands of the clock when changing the time zone.