Grenade Grips Help Build More Muscles

There is nothing wrong in having an athletic body. This assertion is simply impossible to argue with. What makes the situation complex is that you need to take pains and work out a lot and regularly. The best option would be to go to a gym or a fitness club. There are many accessories for fitness and sports, but today we will focus on the new product, which will help build muscles faster.


The new accessory for training in the gym is called Grenade Grips. It is intended primarily for those who work with the “iron”: barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and all kinds of fitness equipment. The accessory is a replacement for a regular handle. It is needed not for the convenience of training. In fact, it makes workouts even more difficult as it changes the grasp.


The essence of Grenade Grips lies in the fact that this new grasp makes the previously uninvolved muscle groups work. Of course, there are specific exercises for this purpose, but such a bonus will be very useful when working on your body and will allow achieving positive results even faster! With Grenade Grips your arms will become even stronger. The accessory is recommended to everyone who trains arms for rock climbing, bowling, tennis, or is engaged in a variety of martial arts. It will also be useful to everyone who just wants to look good.


This is not the full list of Grenade Grips advantages. Despite the fact that the accessory makes arms and hands work harder, do not think that the training process becomes more uncomfortable. Moreover, the structure, the shape and the material of the invention are aimed at protecting the user from all kinds of accidents. Grenade Grips can be attached to almost any handle of sports equipment. The set includes two “grenades”, as well as the instructions on their use.