Bolo Rolling Knife Cuts Faster

What is the most important thing in the kitchen? A cook’s cheerful mood, a filled fridge and high-quality knives. The absence of any of these items will spoil the cooking process with high probability. What can be called a quality knife? Probably the one that easily cuts “difficult” products and is comfortable to hold in the hand. In any case, it is these qualities that were put into prominence by the creators of the innovative rolling knife. These blades will make even Wolverine feel envy!


Interestingly enough, the Forbes magazine conducted a survey among its readers, editors, and a group of experts in 2005, to identify the objects that had the greatest impact on human history. According to the survey, the most important things created by mankind were topped by a knife. The first stone knives were made by our distant ancestors in the Lower Paleolithic period – from 2.6 million to 150 thousand years BC. The most ancient wheel was found on the territory of present-day Romania, and it is about 5 thousand years old. Only in the 21st century, the two most important human inventions have been combined to facilitate the kitchen chores of the homo sapiens.

Combining the wheel and the knife is the concept of an innovative appliance for Bolo kitchen. The rolling knife, made by Canadian designers, claims to cut the fastest. Bolo knife will cut almost anything in a matter of seconds. The product’s size and shape are not an obstacle. The innovating knife will cope equally easy with lettuce, a large piece of meat or a round pizza. This is precisely what you can see on the video.


The unusual shape of the kitchen knife (a round blade with a semicircular handle) contributes to the fact that Bolo knives cut quickly and easily, requiring no great effort on the part of the cook. After all, you can easily “roll” the blade instead of having to press on the handle. According to the manufacturer’s promise, this solution speeds up the cooking process and prevents the arms from getting tired.

A round knife has an additional function: pressing the button under the handle, one can stop the blade from rolling. This mode is useful, for example, when you need to cut off the inedible part of fruits and vegetables.

Bolo rolling knives exist in different variations, ranging from a universal model to a special version for meat or pasta.

Round knives are not difficult to wash: the handle can be removed by pressing the button, so the blade can be rinsed separately. Bolo can also be washed in dishwashers. A pair of these kitchen weapons will cost about 35 Canadian dollars.