August Door Bell Cam & Lock for Maximum Security

Electronic locks are gaining more and more popularity. More recently, a group of enthusiasts has launched another such device. The new lock is reliable and simple to use.

With the development of modern technology, “smart” electronic door locks are getting increasingly popular. These devices are able to solve many problems and offer a brand new modern approach to personal and private security. These locks can be used to lock a variety of doors, be it the doors of commercial or office premises. One of the most prominent representatives among these devices is the August Doorbell Cam that has been released on the market recently.

What does an innovative device offer to our attention? Firstly, it is worth clarifying that August Doorbell Cam is set in the door instead of the usual lock; otherwise, the device loses all its meaning. The lock is electric. In addition to the lock itself, August Doorbell Cam includes a surveillance camera and a motion sensor. There are also several buttons to perform different functions. On the inside half of the lock there is a button for manual locking (or unlocking) the door. On the outside, there is a ring button.

August Doorbell Cam lock works together with any mobile device based on the iOS or Android operating system. Communication is carried out with the help of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection. The mobile device requires a special application to be installed to run the setting process and all the manipulations with it.

The main principle of August Doorbell Cam is incredibly simple. Coming up to the door, the guest gives a ring by pressing the appropriate button on the lock. After that, the owner is notified on the phone with a proposal to accept the video signal. Seeing who is at the door, the user is able to communicate with the visitor and open (or lock) the door. It should also be noted that the motion sensor will report that someone approaches to the door, even if the person does not ring at the bell. This feature is extremely useful for protection against burglars.