AirSelfie Drone Takes Safe Selfies

A fundraising campaign aimed at collecting money for the creation of a selfie drone has just ended successfully on one popular crowdfunding site. An innovative device will please all the fans of photography.

It is not necessary to remind once again that the desire to take a selfie can often lead to horrific accidents. Nevertheless, it is difficult for many people to get rid of this “harmful” habit. They rely on scientific and technological progress and welcome new devices that should help make selfies “safe”.


The fundraising campaign for AirSelfie has been completed successfully, and therefore a miniature multi-copter will be created in the foreseeable future to easily take pictures of yourself and the beloved ones.

Have a look at this small multi-copter, enclosed in an aluminum frame with the dimensions of 9.5 x 6.7 x 1 cm. The device is equipped with four powerful propellers that are run by a small engine. The latter is powered by a lithium ion battery. The battery capacity is enough for about 30 minutes of continuous performance.


The drone is controlled with the help of a smartphone. The video from the AirSelfie camera can be broadcast directly to the mobile device. This UAV has several operation modes. It can hover in the air and circle around the target. There is a timer function. The device supports such technologies as GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. MicroUSB format is used as a cable.

The case of the device deserves special attention as it can be used to mount a smartphone. Thus, AirSelfie and a smartphone become a single whole. It is very convenient, especially when you need to keep it in your pocket.