5 Smart Gadgets You Will Not Believe Exist

The most incredible gadgets appear virtually every week, though they used to be yesterday’s concepts or writers’ fiction. In this review, we have collected five existing gadgets that no one would believe in until recently. Today, they may appear in every home. All you need is want to have one.

1. Home Holus projector station

People have been dreaming about holograms from the very moment when they were first invented by science fiction. Holus projector station for home use developed by the H+ Technology company makes reaching this dream closer. Experts call their ambitious device “a holographic screen”. They succeeded in creating it thanks to a successful campaign on Kickstarter, where the project was able to collect three times more funds than was required.

Of course, Holus cannot project any “real” holograms and cannot even create a full 3D image. In this respect, the creators are being cunning: their product is in some special way projecting the 2D image that can be observed from different angles thanks to the illusion called “Pepper’s Ghost”. This illusion has been used by magicians for a long time.

Inside a cube, there is a glass pyramid, each face of which reflects the image. Holus works with PCs, smartphones, tablets and laptops. It supports Wi-Fi technology and Bluetooth and has 4 USB ports. In future, it can be used for watching videos, computer games, and interactive learning. It currently supports two “engines”, Unity and Unreal technology.

2. Folding Morpher bicycle helmet

A helmet is a crucial element of the rider’s preventive protection. Unfortunately, statistical data show that 9 out of 10 cyclists ignore this type of protection. According to the polls, 8 out of 10 bicycle riders ignore it, being fully aware of the dangers of cycling without protection. According to these people, they do not use helmets because they fail to be ergonomic. In other words, a helmet is too big and uncomfortable, there is nowhere to store it, it is difficult to put on and easy to forget.

After a successful crowdfunding campaign, the British Morpher company has created an eponymous bicycle helmet, the main feature of which is being folded in half. The helmet comprises several movable segments with a unique locking system. When folded, its width does not exceed 5 cm, which makes it easy to fit it into a bag.

Morpher has successfully passed all the tests for safety and quality and fully complies with all European requirements. In future, these helmets may be produced not only for cyclists, but also for fans of any other traumatic sports.

3. Flic smart button

Perhaps, this is the simplest device that can be called “progressive”. Have a closer look at Flic. What do you see? That’s right, it’s just some kind of a button. This is a button, indeed! A small fee, a penlight battery, and a signal transmitter – there is nothing technically complex in Flic. But it is just now that the designers created this “miracle button”.

Flic works according to a very simple principle: you click and get. It is more important to answer the question how this is possible. The fact is that the button works with any mobile device thanks to the “Bluetooth low energy” technology. One battery is enough for about 60 thousand clicks. The button is fully waterproof and works at a distance of 5 meters from the device synchronized with it. It is activated in one of three ways: by a single click, by double clicking and protracted clicking. It requires installation of an app.

Thus, each of the three possible clicks can be “bound” to a variety of application functions. Press a button, and your smartphone will send an SOS signal with GPS coordinates to all the relatives. Alternatively, it can make a false call or take a picture (when the timer is set), dial the number you need or send a message, turn on the voice recorder, etc.

4. A self-filling Fontus Airo bottle

Turning water into wine is problematic, especially if you need undiluted wine. Turning sunlight and air into water is much easier, especially if you have a new device called Fontus. The device was created by designer and engineer Kristof Retezar specifically for travel lovers. In fact, he created two products: Fontus Ryde and Fontus Airo. They can make any journey easier and more enjoyable because you need not worry about your water supply.

Like all brilliant products, Fontus bottles are very simple. Water miraculously appears in them thanks to cooling the air that enters the device through a special air intake. After condensation, the water passes through the filters and into the bottle. The Ryde model is designed for bicycles and filters the air automatically while riding. The Airo Model uses a small fan and is intended for hiking. A small solar panel is used to charge the battery of the second bottle.

5. Universal SPIN remote control

Several years ago, a group of engineers and designers from the Netherlands came up with an interesting concept. They intended to create a universal remote control for all household devices, which would not have any buttons at all. The scientists led by Mathijs Vaessen managed to implement their innovation not so long ago thanks to the fact that the needed technology appeared on the market.

The universal remote control is called Spin Remote. It does not have any buttons. Instead, it is equipped with a set of sensors (such as a gyroscope and accelerometer) and a touchpad. All the manipulations are carried out by moving the remote control in space. Do you need to make the sound louder? Put the remote control on a surface and turn it to one side. Would you like to change the light in the room? Raise the remote control and turn it. It is equally easy to switch between channels – just draw a figure on the touchpad.

It is also important that you don’t have to point at the appliances with the remote before carrying out some action. The remote signal is scattered around the entire room due to an infrared sensor, framed with a LED backlight. As you can already guess, Spin remote can be connected to such systems as the “smart home”.